






Josh Thomas talks about male suicide

I wonder how feminists will react to this

Probably ignore it then go back to making male tears mugs and gifs 

Actually this is a very common idea among feminists

It’s something feminists have been talking about for years it’s called toxic masculinity and it’s one of the common threads among the topic of ‘Patriarchy hurts men too’. If fact the first time I read about toxic masculinity was on a feminist blog.

If you actually read things feminists talk about instead of straw manning them you might know this but OH WELL

i talk about the dangers of toxic masculinity all the fucking time

More posts on toxic masculinity

Every post ever on how the patriarchy harms men

OP: *posts something insightful about the damage strict gender roles do to men*

Second poster: Let’s see feminists ignore equality when men are the ones suffering! Feminists are evil and only care about their own suffering!

Feminist: Actually this is called *describes issue* and it’s something we’ve been fighting against on your behalf for decades.You should join us.

Second poster: … 


Second poster: … Yeah, I just wanted to make you look bad, not actually change anything, you know?


andi zeisler: “General periodic reminder: The term “toxic masculinity” does not mean “all men are toxic.” It refers to cultural norms that equate masculinity with control, aggression, and violence and that label emotion, compassion, and empathy “unmanly.”