Tj Knows Becky is Wordgirl Theory

I wasn’t planning on posting this theory, because the
evidence is shaky, but @pi-romantic said they were interested to hear my thoughts, so
I’ll share! Besides, even if there’s not much to stand on, my family fluff
loving brain wants this to be true ;P

Before I begin, I want to take a moment to talk about the
change in dynamics between Tj and both Becky and Wordgirl. I recently noted that
the relationship between Becky and Tj was very different in earlier seasons
than later seasons. In the beginning, they had a very stereotypical tv sibling
relationship where they were always annoyed with each other, while later
episodes they had a more realistic relationship: they get on each other’s
nerves, but they still care for each other. And changes weren’t only between Tj
and Becky, but Tj and Wordgirl as well. Earlier seasons it was pretty clear he
had a crush on her, while later in the series, I feel it grew to be more of a
fanboy dynamic, where he idolized her, but maybe didn’t necessarily have a
crush on her. I bring all this up to explain why Tj’s reaction to finding out
his sister is Wordgirl didn’t result in the same reaction as that of in the
episode “Two Brains Forgets.” It’s because the dynamic between him and both her
egos are very different at this point in the series that it was at that point.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, when did Tj figure
this out? I believe it hit him and/or he started to get suspicious in “All that

“All that Chazz” focuses on Tj idolizing a new kid, because
he has a crush on him
, Chazz. At the beginning of the episode, Tj tells Becky
that he thinks Wordgirl is the coolest person ever, however, Tj starts
pretending he doesn’t believe this when Chazz states that Wordgirl is uncool.
After a while, Wordgirl, getting frustrated, goes to Tj and says, “Tj, may i
remind you that just this morning you told me you thought Wordgirl was the
coolest person?!” and Tj says, “Yeah but…wait, I didn’t tell you, I told my
sister Becky….”

This is far from the first time she’s slipped up like this,
nor is it the first time she’s slipped up in front of her family, but to me,
this one was different. Usually, it’s something like her accidentally saying
“mom” or “dad” or saying “our parents” instead of “your parents” etc. Those can
be fixed easily. She usually just pretends she said something else and acts
like it never happened and no one’s the wiser. After all, they’re minor
mistakes and they could have heard her wrong or she could have had a
tongue-tied moment and got her words mixed up.

But this is a very specific error that’s hard to recover
from. She did recover from it, saying “Right! Yes, I knew that..uh, but you
see, um, she told me what you said. So there! Ha, yes, makes sense!” and
personally I think this is one of her best excuses for having known something
she shouldn’t (although her delivery was terrible). But here’s the thing:
there’s no taking back what she said. It was clear as day, and the start and
ends of her recovery were very awkward. That doesn’t exactly make the comment
seem any less suspicious, and it appears Tj thinks so too, as after she
answers, he has a very perplexed look on his face. I think at this moment it’s
starting to click.

Within the episode, there’s not much else to prove he has any
clue, but watching the rest of the episode with this idea in mind admittedly
makes it a little more interesting.

I did, however, find a moment from another episode after “All
that Chazz” that supports this theory. In the episode “Granny’s Corner,” Granny
May gets on tv to tell people things like “Go visit the bank tomorrow for cake
and dolphins!” While the Botsford family is questioning Granny May’s actions, Tim
says “In my opinion, trying to deceive people on purpose is just as bad as not
telling the truth.” Later, after stopping Granny May’s scheme, Wordgirl recites
this exact quote to the news reporters. She then zips home just in time to
witness Tj and Tim saying, “it’s like she was here!” Tj then dramatically says
“I know what’s going on here!” He takes a suspenseful pause, and then casually
says “super hearing!” This would normally be just a fun joke…except Tj
specifically looks at Becky when he says this, with a smile that to me looks
caring and like he’s covering for her. And while not necessarily evidence
itself, I’d also like to point out that making Becky panic by saying “I know
what’s going on here!” in the most dramatic way possible, only to casually
brush it aside is a very sibling thing to do and totally something Tj would do.

Now this isn’t evidence, but I’d like to imagine that in
“Emergency Plan #999,” Tj was studying all Wordgirl’s battle moves to help her because he was maybe thinking “I’m not only Wordgirl’s number one fan, but I’m
her brother. Shouldn’t I be doing something to help her?”

Also if we assume Tj does know in this episode, it makes the
following joke sssssoooooo much funnier:

Tj: Worddgirl, what’s a stunt again?

Wordgirl: a stunt is an amazing or impressive feat. It’s
something tricky you do to impress people

Tj: my know-it-all sister keeps using that word

Maybe I’ll find more evidence later, but for now, this is
all I got.

If Tj did figure it out, would you have been interested in
that plot development? Also, if he knew and was hiding that fact from Becky,
there probably would have eventually been an episode that revolved around Becky
finding out Tj knew, how do you think that episode would have gone?

Last night I had a dream that I was on tumblr oh yes, I live on the wild side in my dreams and came across a post that basically said “I believe TJ has known Becky is Wordgirl for a while and here’s my evidence” and as a family fluff obsessed fan, I got really excited because I had a similar post in mind but my evidence was shaky at best so I figured this person might have something better.

But it was just a dream and now I’m disappointed

Does anyone else feel like the sibling relationship between Becky and T.J. changed throughout the series?

Like in the beginning it was a really stereotypical sibling relationship for tv where they would be constantly annoyed with each other and seemed to not care about each other at all.

And by the end of the series it seems to me like it was more realistic? Like yeah they still got on each others nerves like siblings do, but they also could get a long and help each other out and weren’t constantly disgusted with each other.

Is it just me?

Does anyone else feel like the sibling relationship between Becky and T.J. changed throughout the series?

Like in the beginning it was a really stereotypical sibling relationship for tv where they would be constantly annoyed with each other and seemed to not care about each other at all.

And by the end of the series it seems to me like it was more realistic? Like yeah they still got on each others nerves like siblings do, but they also could get a long and help each other out and weren’t constantly disgusted with each other.

Is it just me?

So instead of not enjoying myself at my family’s New Years party, I decided to watch the New Years WordGirl Episode

And I have some thoughts I would like to share…

(Good thoughts, let me clarify)


First off, these poor boys, they just want to have a party and to do so they had to gather the few party supplies from other holidays they had. I see Christmas lights, a 4th of July hat, a St. Patrick’s Day hat, a Halloween noise maker thing, can’t remember the name of it. ….. and WordGirl and Captain HuggyFace tablecloth?? Why do they have that?? And when Two Brains comes in he doesn’t even acknowledge it so does that mean they just have that?


He may have a mouse brain, but he has the mouth of a chipmunk…


…and octopus fingers

More under the cut…


“TJ the DJ” okay, yes, I like it, I like it a lot, but have you considered “DJ TJ”? 
Also, I like to brainstorm what the kiddos in this show would do for a living when they are adults, I’ve had trouble thinking of one for TJ, but maybe a DJ!


Becky is the cutest little dancer. Haha, this would be a good “someone who has never seen WordGirl, please explain this image”
Also regarding Bob…


Is…is he stoned?? What is in that guacamole??


That look of sheer terror XD


Becky did that. And all I wanna ask her is did she think she was in a battle or something? She did that with a pinata! Also, the family just shrugs it off, and I don’t mean in a “how did Becky do that?” kinda way, but in an “oh, crap! there’s a hole in the wall!!” they basically just go, “Well I guess we have a hole in the wall now! Next game!”


Is that a WordGirl cup Bob has? It’s kinda hard to tell in this picture, and it’s not surprising in  this family but I think that’s a cute little detail


Real talk though, where does one store a guacamole bowl that large?


They are so cute!


I just…can’t get over Bob


Mrs. Botsford may have had a few drinks


So, you’re gonna contact Lexicon? 


Bob, I assure you, you have already accomplished that resolution 


I wanted this shot so I could comment on the quote, and I ended up laughing at her eyes for a minute straight.
Regarding the qutoe, Becky, I don’t think you have a lot of control of how much you have to be running around when you’re a super hero…actually if she really wanted to she could probably significantly cut down on the witty banter in battles…


Such a cute family.


Awww! We need more moments like this!!


Who’s idea was it to put The Energy Monster in the ball, because that’s a really good idea


AW! And who’s idea was it to have a villain New Year’s Eve party? Because that’s adorable!


oh, apparently it wasn’t his idea…or rather he had the same idea…


Again, they’re just so cute!


Everyone is just so damn cute!!!!!


“Hey, you know what we should do, we should put a picture of Dr. Two Brains, from when he was Steven, and have him standing next to some random, unnamed lady!”
“Are you crazy! That will drive the fans crazy! Let’s do it!” 


Maybe Two Brains is the one who’s stoned…


See! Even The Narrator thinks you’ve already achieved your resolution Bob!


Poor Huggy…


This is one of those, “I don’t know why it’s funny but it’s sssooooo funny” kind of things. I love how he just casually looks up with a face like “what am I doing with my life?” 


I love how he waits for Huggy to get himself together, he doesn’t even give it a second thought. He may be a criminal but he knows he’s gotta play fair


When you tell your mom you’re doing your homework but you’re actually in your room like


Ignore the quote, I just forgot to turn that off. I need to rant about this real quick. So I understand why Tim is there this early, I understand why Sally tagged along, but no explanation was given as to why TJ came too. I mean I think he’s too young to be left home alone, but what about Becky? Hadn’t she already had a day where she technically babysat TJ? I’m pretty sure that was before this episode, correct me if I’m wrong, please. And yeah, I know Becky isn’t there, but they shouldn’t know that. So there was no reason for them to take TJ if they thought Becky was home. So let’s say he wanted to come for one reason or another, okay, now the whole family is going and leaving Becky and Bob behind and this family doesn’t do things like that. One of them would have asked Becky if she wanted to come, or told her where they were going so she didn’t wake up and go “where is everyone?” Or at the very least, wouldn’t they have maybe gone into her room to check on her before leaving her alone in the house asleep? This just doesn’t make sense to me and I like to believe that one of the other Botsfords knows Becky and Bob are WordGirl and Huggy and are covering for her from the rest of the family. “We should go ask Becky if she wants to come!” “I’ll do it!” “No she doesn’t want to come” “Are you sure? Let me ask her–” “NO! Really she said she’s tired and doesn’t want to come!!!!” 


I kid you not this is something I actually say in real life


Another good “someone who’s never seen WordGirl, please explain this” and the quote in there somehow makes it better


What in the name of cheese is she doing?

Hope you enjoyed my silliness and my brief moment of Botsford family conspiracy theorizing! 

Edit: I finally got this posted! I think the difference was that I did it through my laptop this time instead of my phone (I swear I already tried that, but my computer wouldn’t connect to the internet) 

So instead of not enjoying myself at my family’s New Years party, I decided to watch the New Years WordGirl Episode

And I have some thoughts I would like to share…

(Good thoughts, let me clarify)


First off, these poor boys, they just want to have a party and to do so they had to gather the few party supplies from other holidays they had. I see Christmas lights, a 4th of July hat, a St. Patrick’s Day hat, a Halloween noise maker thing, can’t remember the name of it. ….. and WordGirl and Captain HuggyFace tablecloth?? Why do they have that?? And when Two Brains comes in he doesn’t even acknowledge it so does that mean they just have that?


He may have a mouse brain, but he has the mouth of a chipmunk…


…and octopus fingers

More under the cut…


“TJ the DJ” okay, yes, I like it, I like it a lot, but have you considered “DJ TJ”? 
Also, I like to brainstorm what the kiddos in this show would do for a living when they are adults, I’ve had trouble thinking of one for TJ, but maybe a DJ!


Becky is the cutest little dancer. Haha, this would be a good “someone who has never seen WordGirl, please explain this image”
Also regarding Bob…


Is…is he stoned?? What is in that guacamole??


That look of sheer terror XD


Becky did that. And all I wanna ask her is did she think she was in a battle or something? She did that with a pinata! Also, the family just shrugs it off, and I don’t mean in a “how did Becky do that?” kinda way, but in an “oh, crap! there’s a hole in the wall!!” they basically just go, “Well I guess we have a hole in the wall now! Next game!”


Is that a WordGirl cup Bob has? It’s kinda hard to tell in this picture, and it’s not surprising in  this family but I think that’s a cute little detail


Real talk though, where does one store a guacamole bowl that large?


They are so cute!


I just…can’t get over Bob


Mrs. Botsford may have had a few drinks


So, you’re gonna contact Lexicon? 


Bob, I assure you, you have already accomplished that resolution 


I wanted this shot so I could comment on the quote, and I ended up laughing at her eyes for a minute straight.
Regarding the qutoe, Becky, I don’t think you have a lot of control of how much you have to be running around when you’re a super hero…actually if she really wanted to she could probably significantly cut down on the witty banter in battles…


Such a cute family.


Awww! We need more moments like this!!


Who’s idea was it to put The Energy Monster in the ball, because that’s a really good idea


AW! And who’s idea was it to have a villain New Year’s Eve party? Because that’s adorable!


oh, apparently it wasn’t his idea…or rather he had the same idea…


Again, they’re just so cute!


Everyone is just so damn cute!!!!!


“Hey, you know what we should do, we should put a picture of Dr. Two Brains, from when he was Steven, and have him standing next to some random, unnamed lady!”
“Are you crazy! That will drive the fans crazy! Let’s do it!” 


Maybe Two Brains is the one who’s stoned…


See! Even The Narrator thinks you’ve already achieved your resolution Bob!


Poor Huggy…


This is one of those, “I don’t know why it’s funny but it’s sssooooo funny” kind of things. I love how he just casually looks up with a face like “what am I doing with my life?” 


I love how he waits for Huggy to get himself together, he doesn’t even give it a second thought. He may be a criminal but he knows he’s gotta play fair


When you tell your mom you’re doing your homework but you’re actually in your room like


Ignore the quote, I just forgot to turn that off. I need to rant about this real quick. So I understand why Tim is there this early, I understand why Sally tagged along, but no explanation was given as to why TJ came too. I mean I think he’s too young to be left home alone, but what about Becky? Hadn’t she already had a day where she technically babysat TJ? I’m pretty sure that was before this episode, correct me if I’m wrong, please. And yeah, I know Becky isn’t there, but they shouldn’t know that. So there was no reason for them to take TJ if they thought Becky was home. So let’s say he wanted to come for one reason or another, okay, now the whole family is going and leaving Becky and Bob behind and this family doesn’t do things like that. One of them would have asked Becky if she wanted to come, or told her where they were going so she didn’t wake up and go “where is everyone?” Or at the very least, wouldn’t they have maybe gone into her room to check on her before leaving her alone in the house asleep? This just doesn’t make sense to me and I like to believe that one of the other Botsfords knows Becky and Bob are WordGirl and Huggy and are covering for her from the rest of the family. “We should go ask Becky if she wants to come!” “I’ll do it!” “No she doesn’t want to come” “Are you sure? Let me ask her–” “NO! Really she said she’s tired and doesn’t want to come!!!!” 


I kid you not this is something I actually say in real life


Another good “someone who’s never seen WordGirl, please explain this” and the quote in there somehow makes it better


What in the name of cheese is she doing?

Hope you enjoyed my silliness and my brief moment of Botsford family conspiracy theorizing! 

Edit: I finally got this posted! I think the difference was that I did it through my laptop this time instead of my phone (I swear I already tried that, but my computer wouldn’t connect to the internet)