Can I just say, Tim and Sally Botsford are like perfect characters.

Firstly, they have that classic clueless parent trope, but they’re not completely useless or stupid as a result of that trope like I feel most tv parents are who fall into this category. They’re just clueless enough to keep things funny and innocent, but they can both still offer very wise advise. And I love that they’re gender roles are reversed, where Sally is the successful breadwinner who’s passionately working for the city and is incredible at her job, while Tim is a loving stay at home parent who happily dedicates his time to his family and children. While Sally has a very important job in the city that likely keeps her very busy, she still makes time for her family. Similarly, Tim, while absolutely dedicated to his kids, still makes time for his many other passions. And they’re both almost always in a goofy, positive mood.

And omg can we talk about them as parents? They are basically exactly the kind of parent I’d want to be. I can’t think of a time they’ve ever full blown yelled at their kids, but they still scold and lecture them when they need to. They have balanced expectations in the sense that they understand when it’s a “kids will be kids” scenario and when it’s a “that behavior is not okay” scenario. They seem to let Becky leave the house and go wherever within reason, but are still protective of their children. They generally know when to trust that their kids know what they’re doing, and when to step in. They often have fun family activities too but don’t skip out on chores, often doing them together, and they hold they’re children accountable for the chores they were assigned. And above all they love their children dearly and do whatever they need to do to not only help them when they need it, but help them grow as people as well.

And then their relationship as a couple. The two are the best example of relationship goals I’ve ever seen. They love each other, and support each other. If you pay attention they share all kinds of cute background moments where they are clearly flirting with each other. This couple, who’s been married for 11+ years, have two kids and life in general keeping them busy, are still flirting with each other. Most couples at this point have a more subtle love for each other but these two are still flirting like young twenty year olds. They make each other so happy and their relationship is just so pure. Do you know what I’d give to know the love story between these two? Where did they meet? Did they like each other immediately or did they develop a crush on each other over time? Who asked who out? Where was their first date? Their first kiss? What was their first fight? How did their marriage proposal go? What was it like for these two to plan their wedding? What was their wedding like?

We don’t appreciate Tim and Sally Botsford enough

I could probably write a book on little details that I love in all the shows I watch, but for now, I want to talk about WordGirl, and how Tim Botsford shares his family history.

It’s no secret that Tim Botsford is a family man. And I’m not just referring to how much he cares for his family, but also how passionate he is with his family history. He loves telling old family tales, keeping up family traditions and sharing family recipes. One little detail I find interesting is that he seems to share these things with Becky more than he does with TJ.

And some may find that odd. After all, TJ is his biological child, while Becky is not. So, wouldn’t it be more important/make more sense to share the family history with TJ instead of Becky? Since it actually is TJ’s family history, not Becky’s? That’s one perspective to have, but that’s not the perspective I have, and clearly not the perspective Tim has.

Part of the importance of knowing your family history is that it shows where you came from—why you are the way you are. Some of this is genetics, and obviously, this wouldn’t apply to Becky, but some of it is also upbringing, which does apply to Becky. It reminds me of a quote from iCarly (oddly enough). In a Christmas special for the show, Carly wishes her brother, Spencer, who raised her, had been “born normal” referring to his quirky behavior. After making this wish, everything in her life is different, and when she asks her wish-granting angel why this was, he responded: “You were who you were because Spencer was who he was.” This applies to Becky because a lot of who she is and is growing up to be is because of how her parents raised her. And how her parents raised her depends on their past and how they were raised and that all depends on where they came from.

Becky’s adoptive family history is just as important to who she is as her biological Lexicon heritage. And since her parents don’t know about where she genetically came from, they can still involve her in their family history. If they knew anything about where she came from, I guarantee you they’d try to bring those traditions into her life as much as they bring in their own traditions. But since they don’t know, it’s Bob’s job to show her that stuff. Anyway…

But isn’t it still odd that he seems to share this more with Becky than TJ? It’s still his family history too right? Well, part of this, I’m sure, has to do with personality. I’d imagine TJ gets easily bored with that kind of thing while Becky always seems to be at least a little interested. But I also think this is Tim’s little way of reminding Becky how much he loves her. She may not be related by blood, but dang it, she’s part of the family and he’s going to involve her in the family and their history no matter what.

Just a fun little thing that I love and find sweet.

I could probably write a book on little details that I love in all the shows I watch, but for now, I want to talk about WordGirl, and how Tim Botsford shares his family history.

It’s no secret that Tim Botsford is a family man. And I’m not just referring to how much he cares for his family, but also how passionate he is with his family history. He loves telling old family tales, keeping up family traditions and sharing family recipes. One little detail I find interesting is that he seems to share these things with Becky more than he does with TJ.

And some may find that odd. After all, TJ is his biological child, while Becky is not. So, wouldn’t it be more important/make more sense to share the family history with TJ instead of Becky? Since it actually is TJ’s family history, not Becky’s? That’s one perspective to have, but that’s not the perspective I have, and clearly not the perspective Tim has.

Part of the importance of knowing your family history is that it shows where you came from—why you are the way you are. Some of this is genetics, and obviously, this wouldn’t apply to Becky, but some of it is also upbringing, which does apply to Becky. It reminds me of a quote from iCarly (oddly enough). In a Christmas special for the show, Carly wishes her brother, Spencer, who raised her, had been “born normal” referring to his quirky behavior. After making this wish, everything in her life is different, and when she asks her wish-granting angel why this was, he responded: “You were who you were because Spencer was who he was.” This applies to Becky because a lot of who she is and is growing up to be is because of how her parents raised her. And how her parents raised her depends on their past and how they were raised and that all depends on where they came from.

Becky’s adoptive family history is just as important to who she is as her biological Lexicon heritage. And since her parents don’t know about where she genetically came from, they can still involve her in their family history. If they knew anything about where she came from, I guarantee you they’d try to bring those traditions into her life as much as they bring in their own traditions. But since they don’t know, it’s Bob’s job to show her that stuff. Anyway…

But isn’t it still odd that he seems to share this more with Becky than TJ? It’s still his family history too right? Well, part of this, I’m sure, has to do with personality. I’d imagine TJ gets easily bored with that kind of thing while Becky always seems to be at least a little interested. But I also think this is Tim’s little way of reminding Becky how much he loves her. She may not be related by blood, but dang it, she’s part of the family and he’s going to involve her in the family and their history no matter what.

Just a fun little thing that I love and find sweet.

So instead of not enjoying myself at my family’s New Years party, I decided to watch the New Years WordGirl Episode

And I have some thoughts I would like to share…

(Good thoughts, let me clarify)


First off, these poor boys, they just want to have a party and to do so they had to gather the few party supplies from other holidays they had. I see Christmas lights, a 4th of July hat, a St. Patrick’s Day hat, a Halloween noise maker thing, can’t remember the name of it. ….. and WordGirl and Captain HuggyFace tablecloth?? Why do they have that?? And when Two Brains comes in he doesn’t even acknowledge it so does that mean they just have that?


He may have a mouse brain, but he has the mouth of a chipmunk…


…and octopus fingers

More under the cut…


“TJ the DJ” okay, yes, I like it, I like it a lot, but have you considered “DJ TJ”? 
Also, I like to brainstorm what the kiddos in this show would do for a living when they are adults, I’ve had trouble thinking of one for TJ, but maybe a DJ!


Becky is the cutest little dancer. Haha, this would be a good “someone who has never seen WordGirl, please explain this image”
Also regarding Bob…


Is…is he stoned?? What is in that guacamole??


That look of sheer terror XD


Becky did that. And all I wanna ask her is did she think she was in a battle or something? She did that with a pinata! Also, the family just shrugs it off, and I don’t mean in a “how did Becky do that?” kinda way, but in an “oh, crap! there’s a hole in the wall!!” they basically just go, “Well I guess we have a hole in the wall now! Next game!”


Is that a WordGirl cup Bob has? It’s kinda hard to tell in this picture, and it’s not surprising in  this family but I think that’s a cute little detail


Real talk though, where does one store a guacamole bowl that large?


They are so cute!


I just…can’t get over Bob


Mrs. Botsford may have had a few drinks


So, you’re gonna contact Lexicon? 


Bob, I assure you, you have already accomplished that resolution 


I wanted this shot so I could comment on the quote, and I ended up laughing at her eyes for a minute straight.
Regarding the qutoe, Becky, I don’t think you have a lot of control of how much you have to be running around when you’re a super hero…actually if she really wanted to she could probably significantly cut down on the witty banter in battles…


Such a cute family.


Awww! We need more moments like this!!


Who’s idea was it to put The Energy Monster in the ball, because that’s a really good idea


AW! And who’s idea was it to have a villain New Year’s Eve party? Because that’s adorable!


oh, apparently it wasn’t his idea…or rather he had the same idea…


Again, they’re just so cute!


Everyone is just so damn cute!!!!!


“Hey, you know what we should do, we should put a picture of Dr. Two Brains, from when he was Steven, and have him standing next to some random, unnamed lady!”
“Are you crazy! That will drive the fans crazy! Let’s do it!” 


Maybe Two Brains is the one who’s stoned…


See! Even The Narrator thinks you’ve already achieved your resolution Bob!


Poor Huggy…


This is one of those, “I don’t know why it’s funny but it’s sssooooo funny” kind of things. I love how he just casually looks up with a face like “what am I doing with my life?” 


I love how he waits for Huggy to get himself together, he doesn’t even give it a second thought. He may be a criminal but he knows he’s gotta play fair


When you tell your mom you’re doing your homework but you’re actually in your room like


Ignore the quote, I just forgot to turn that off. I need to rant about this real quick. So I understand why Tim is there this early, I understand why Sally tagged along, but no explanation was given as to why TJ came too. I mean I think he’s too young to be left home alone, but what about Becky? Hadn’t she already had a day where she technically babysat TJ? I’m pretty sure that was before this episode, correct me if I’m wrong, please. And yeah, I know Becky isn’t there, but they shouldn’t know that. So there was no reason for them to take TJ if they thought Becky was home. So let’s say he wanted to come for one reason or another, okay, now the whole family is going and leaving Becky and Bob behind and this family doesn’t do things like that. One of them would have asked Becky if she wanted to come, or told her where they were going so she didn’t wake up and go “where is everyone?” Or at the very least, wouldn’t they have maybe gone into her room to check on her before leaving her alone in the house asleep? This just doesn’t make sense to me and I like to believe that one of the other Botsfords knows Becky and Bob are WordGirl and Huggy and are covering for her from the rest of the family. “We should go ask Becky if she wants to come!” “I’ll do it!” “No she doesn’t want to come” “Are you sure? Let me ask her–” “NO! Really she said she’s tired and doesn’t want to come!!!!” 


I kid you not this is something I actually say in real life


Another good “someone who’s never seen WordGirl, please explain this” and the quote in there somehow makes it better


What in the name of cheese is she doing?

Hope you enjoyed my silliness and my brief moment of Botsford family conspiracy theorizing! 

Edit: I finally got this posted! I think the difference was that I did it through my laptop this time instead of my phone (I swear I already tried that, but my computer wouldn’t connect to the internet)