
Whenever I hear about another documentary or article bitching about how social media is destroying lives, and are we all just obsessive narcissists who want to be liked, and people online aren’t *real* friends, I want to make my own documentary.

It would be full of people talking about the first time they found other people like them, people they could really talk to and who understood. There would be so many clips of online friends meeting each other in person for the firsttime at airports and conventions, with all of the tears and laughter, and immediately hugging and talking like they’ve never been apart.

Online friendship is not screaming into the void waiting for someone to ‘like’ your post. It’s staying up until 3am talking over a messenger about books and movies, and music, or comforting your friend because they’re sad, and knowing they’d do the same for you. It’s group hugs at the train station when you finally get to meet in person and feeling like you’ve been doing this forever. It’s making art for someone because you want them to smile, even f they’ll never see it.

Online friendship is friendship, not some inferior form of it. And I am so sick of people who don’t get it being snide and trying to analyse it. 


Whenever I hear about another documentary or article bitching about how social media is destroying lives, and are we all just obsessive narcissists who want to be liked, and people online aren’t *real* friends, I want to make my own documentary.

It would be full of people talking about the first time they found other people like them, people they could really talk to and who understood. There would be so many clips of online friends meeting each other in person for the firsttime at airports and conventions, with all of the tears and laughter, and immediately hugging and talking like they’ve never been apart.

Online friendship is not screaming into the void waiting for someone to ‘like’ your post. It’s staying up until 3am talking over a messenger about books and movies, and music, or comforting your friend because they’re sad, and knowing they’d do the same for you. It’s group hugs at the train station when you finally get to meet in person and feeling like you’ve been doing this forever. It’s making art for someone because you want them to smile, even f they’ll never see it.

Online friendship is friendship, not some inferior form of it. And I am so sick of people who don’t get it being snide and trying to analyse it. 

Can anyone help me figure out whats going on and how to fix it? Sometimes when I’m on Tumblr on my computer I’ll go look at the tags I follow, and then I’ll just happen to look over where it says whether or not adult oriented content is showing on that tag or not, and I’ll see that’s it’s unlocked! Meaning it is showing adult oriented content in that tag (which I don’t want, luckily I haven’t seen anything that I didn’t want to see yet, I’m hoping I can fix this before I do) this only happens every now and then, I’m usually pretty good at noticing patterns, and I haven’t noticed any with this problem, it just happens at random.

I have xkit if that has anything to do with this (personally I think it’s a tumblr problem, not an xkit problem). I have only noticed this with my computer but I don’t really use the app for looking at tags anymore, so for all I know this happens in the app too.

Anyway, does anyone know why this is happening? And how I can fix it before I see something that I don’t want to see? Thanks in advance!

Can anyone help me figure out whats going on and how to fix it? Sometimes when I’m on Tumblr on my computer I’ll go look at the tags I follow, and then I’ll just happen to look over where it says whether or not adult oriented content is showing on that tag or not, and I’ll see that’s it’s unlocked! Meaning it is showing adult oriented content in that tag (which I don’t want, luckily I haven’t seen anything that I didn’t want to see yet, I’m hoping I can fix this before I do) this only happens every now and then, I’m usually pretty good at noticing patterns, and I haven’t noticed any with this problem, it just happens at random.

I have xkit if that has anything to do with this (personally I think it’s a tumblr problem, not an xkit problem). I have only noticed this with my computer but I don’t really use the app for looking at tags anymore, so for all I know this happens in the app too.

Anyway, does anyone know why this is happening? And how I can fix it before I see something that I don’t want to see? Thanks in advance!

It’s 11 at night and my family just spent two or three hours watching terrifying ghost hunting shows..can’t sleep!
Anyone have any innocent and adorable pines family headcannons, fanart, fanfictions, thoughts, theories or ANYTHING to take my mind off the horror shows I just saw?

It’s 11 at night and my family just spent two or three hours watching terrifying ghost hunting shows..can’t sleep!
Anyone have any innocent and adorable pines family headcannons, fanart, fanfictions, thoughts, theories or ANYTHING to take my mind off the horror shows I just saw?