


so does soos have to go back to his shitty tiny break room or

does he go in and awkwardly ask ford like “hey other mr. pines can i hang out in here for my break today” and ford has to be like “uhhh yeah i guess i don’t see why not” and like they both sit there in uncomfortable silence

“so um how are you” says soos

“good.” says ford

“one time i switched bodies with a pig thanks to the carpet that used to be in here”

“…. a pig you say? go on”




so does soos have to go back to his shitty tiny break room or

does he go in and awkwardly ask ford like “hey other mr. pines can i hang out in here for my break today” and ford has to be like “uhhh yeah i guess i don’t see why not” and like they both sit there in uncomfortable silence

“so um how are you” says soos

“good.” says ford

“one time i switched bodies with a pig thanks to the carpet that used to be in here”

“…. a pig you say? go on”