You know, I’ve often thought about Becky’s biological family being worried about their daughter’s disappearance, but I’ve never really thought about Huggy’s family’s reaction? I mean that must have been devastating to hear “okay so your brother was flying through space, but now we can’t contact him and we don’t know where he is”

Lately I’ve been imagining Becky going through a rebellious teenage phase, but also struggling with it because she’s Wordgirl and has to “set an example”

Not anything illegal like shop lifting mind you, but like throwing a party with her friends when her parents aren’t home, sneaking out with friends late at night, things like that.

And like it’s mostly Bob telling her she can’t because she’s Wordgirl, and her excuse is that it’s only Becky doing these things, not Wordgirl. But at the same time, she knows he’s right.

And Bob doesn’t even want to talk to her about this because he’s not the parent, this isn’t his responsibility! But years of sneaking off to fight crime has made Becky pretty stealthy in this area, so her parents rarely catch her in the act, and someone’s gotta lecture her about it so it’s up to Bob.

Two things:

  1. I’m so sad this ship never set sail. Well, not so much this ship specifically, just any ship that would have involved a romance for Huggy/Bob because he deserves that. This ship was just the only thing we ever saw on screen of that happening, therefore I am sad nothing was ever done with it. Am I the only one?
  2. I can’t stop laughing at their faces in the second picture, clearly that date was horrible 😆😆

I thought the idea of Huggy sewing Wordgirl’s costume back together was cute.


I thought the idea of Huggy sewing Wordgirl’s costume back together was cute.

I just looked it up and got really sad cause most monkeys lifespans arent Past 30…. but huggys from space so we can kind of make our own rules

Well if it helps, by Earth standards, he’s technically a chimp, which according to google their lifespan is 40-50 years, which is better. Also, if the animal is in captivity the lifespan is closer to 50-60. Now Huggy/Bob is not in captivity, but I’m pretty sure the reason animals in captivity live longer is because they have access to medical stuff and plentiful amounts of food and water and all that, and I think it’s safe to assume that whether he’s a citizen on Lexicon or the Botsford’s beloved family pet, he probably has access to all these things when he needs them.But you’re absolutely right! Since he’s from space we can apply different logic to him. Especially since I’m pretty sure it was confirmed that while he’s a chimp by Earth standards, he’s a monkey by Lexicon standards, which implies that the biological rules of Lexicon and the ones of Earth are different. 

Huggy’s age and lifespan depend on ssooo many factors that require us to know more about Lexicon to make an educated guess. 

  • How much do chimps on Earth vary from those on Lexicon?
  • Is aging different for humanoid Lexiconians than Earth Humans? (Although we can probably guess no for this one since Becky is aging normally on Earth)
  • Is aging different between humanoid Lexiconians vs monkey Lexiconians?

And all that’s really just trying to figure out his lifespan. Finding his actual age would depend on:

  • At what point does Lexicon consider the monkeys grown up enough to join the airforce and did Huggy join the air force immediately?
  • How long does it take to become a captain in the airforce on Lexicon?
  • How long is a year on Lexicon compared to Earth?
  • And how long had Huggy been a captain prior to the crash?

Because of all the factors, we’ll probably never have a canon answer to his age or lifespan. But hey, that just means we can make whatever rules we want! Huggy is immortal