



@carmelblood and @drboxleitner

I’ve noticed that both of you have a headcanon/theory/idea that Huggy kidnapped Becky from Lexicon and I was wondering if either or both of you had any more thoughts on this you’d like to share because I find the concept very intriguing!

It’s not something I’ve ever considered, but it’s certainly a possibility. And suddenly unexplained things are starting to add up in my mind because I’ve taken this idea into consideration.

So yeah I was just wondering if you guys had more details to bring to the table. 🙏😊

OH BOY YUP YOU GOT THE RIGHT PERSON >:D (carmelblood is my main blog, drboxleitner is my sideblog, so, lol, i may be the only person here parading this theory then I dont know, maybe there’s a third person out here)

under the cut is an incredibly long winded barely structured essay on my reasoning lol (I had to rewatch a few episodes in prep for this, but i will admit maybe theres evidence that’ll overhaul this whole theory who knows)

Keep reading

Lol I considered that both blogs might have been the same person but I couldn’t find anything that explicitly said that so I just did this lol (and lol I read your tags about wanting to pretend to be two people and fighting yourself lol awesome!)

Okay, I might respond again with a more in-depth response, but not now because my brain doesn’t want to. So instead first I’ll say: OMG THANK YOU. Again this whole idea is fascinating to me, and even if there’s something that just completely shoots this theory down, it’s still great fanfic and discussion material!

Second, I had some thoughts that I think may help support this theory, or maybe not idk, depends on your perspective I guess. Now, these are just small things that clicked in my mind while trying to entertain my brain at work, so there may be more and better things I can give as supportive evidence if I were to watch episodes looking for clues.

Anywho, firstly are the discrepancies in Huggy’s name. There is some confusion as to whether his name is “Huggyface” or “Huggy Face,” to the point that there is an entire section on his page on the Wordgirl Wikia dedicated to this topic. There is also a moment, I think in the shorts, where The Narrator introduces Captain Huggyface, and Huggy looks embarrassed, to which the narrator says something along the lines of “I know, I don’t like saying it either. She named you” and this doesn’t match well with the backstory we’ve been told, which to me implied that Huggyface was his actual name. I’ve always chalked these up to continuity errors, and perhaps that’s all these are, but while rewatching episodes, I’m starting to notice that this show is actually pretty good with continuity. Much better than I’d expect from a show like this. All this could support the theory in that Huggy is perhaps not a name he’s ever gone by, but instead was a sidekick name that came up years later and was thought up by a grade school girl (which also makes a lot more sense for the name’s origins, what kind of name is “Huggyface”???). This would explain why there’s a lack of consistency with the spelling of the name. 

Secondly, I’m currently working on an analysis of how Huggy/Bob reacts to their secret identities being revealed or almost being revealed because I’ve noticed his reaction is often more extreme than Becky/Wordgirl’s. I won’t go too much into it here because, again, I’m writing a post about it, but one thing I couldn’t figure out was why he gets more worked up about this topic. With this theory in mind, I think a possible explanation is that he doesn’t want to get caught. Perhaps he wants only him and her to know who they are so that if someone were to come looking for him and start accusing him of kidnapping a child, they’d be able to hide better. Or maybe something else I’m not thinking of. Or maybe there’s an in-show explanation I haven’t caught. Regardless, whenever I end up posting that, I’ll @ you or something. I think you’ll enjoy it, either way, you seem to have an analytical brain like me ;p

YOOOOOOOOOOOO THESE are excellent additions thank you!!!

Okay it’s kinda late…

But I couldn’t wait-

Apparently I’m rhyming now…

I found something else that’s suspicious!!!

In the episode Can’t Touch This, Bob was not only able to get the spaceship off the ground, but got it high enough off the ground that the villains weren’t able to see it. I know they were all looking at the ground for it, but peripheral vision is still a thing and especially when you take into account that the birthday girl was full size and still didn’t see it in her peripheral vision, it must have been significantly high off the ground. Not to mention how fast he got it running and the length of time it was in the air.

I always thought this whole incident was odd. I love the scene,I loved seeing the spaceship running,I loved seeing Bob do the thing he’s an expert at and loves, but the ship getting off the ground that high, that fast, for that long just never seemed right. I mean, that thing was “broken” and dormant for ten years, and yet Bob is able to do that, with what appeared to be minimal effort???? And then when it comes crashing back down because tj hit a button, Bob makes very little effort to try to get it running again. He just wiggles the controls and then stops like “oh well.”

It seems to me that ship is still functioning just fine. 🤔

I would just like to say that if I can see a spider without my glasses on and it’s four feet or more away-it’s too big

Also I just killed a spider with a toilet plunger and that’s officially the weirdest part of my day today



@carmelblood and @drboxleitner

I’ve noticed that both of you have a headcanon/theory/idea that Huggy kidnapped Becky from Lexicon and I was wondering if either or both of you had any more thoughts on this you’d like to share because I find the concept very intriguing!

It’s not something I’ve ever considered, but it’s certainly a possibility. And suddenly unexplained things are starting to add up in my mind because I’ve taken this idea into consideration.

So yeah I was just wondering if you guys had more details to bring to the table. 🙏😊

OH BOY YUP YOU GOT THE RIGHT PERSON >:D (carmelblood is my main blog, drboxleitner is my sideblog, so, lol, i may be the only person here parading this theory then I dont know, maybe there’s a third person out here)

under the cut is an incredibly long winded barely structured essay on my reasoning lol (I had to rewatch a few episodes in prep for this, but i will admit maybe theres evidence that’ll overhaul this whole theory who knows)

Keep reading

Lol I considered that both blogs might have been the same person but I couldn’t find anything that explicitly said that so I just did this lol (and lol I read your tags about wanting to pretend to be two people and fighting yourself lol awesome!)

Okay, I might respond again with a more in-depth response, but not now because my brain doesn’t want to. So instead first I’ll say: OMG THANK YOU. Again this whole idea is fascinating to me, and even if there’s something that just completely shoots this theory down, it’s still great fanfic and discussion material!

Second, I had some thoughts that I think may help support this theory, or maybe not idk, depends on your perspective I guess. Now, these are just small things that clicked in my mind while trying to entertain my brain at work, so there may be more and better things I can give as supportive evidence if I were to watch episodes looking for clues.

Anywho, firstly are the discrepancies in Huggy’s name. There is some confusion as to whether his name is “Huggyface” or “Huggy Face,” to the point that there is an entire section on his page on the Wordgirl Wikia dedicated to this topic. There is also a moment, I think in the shorts, where The Narrator introduces Captain Huggyface, and Huggy looks embarrassed, to which the narrator says something along the lines of “I know, I don’t like saying it either. She named you” and this doesn’t match well with the backstory we’ve been told, which to me implied that Huggyface was his actual name. I’ve always chalked these up to continuity errors, and perhaps that’s all these are, but while rewatching episodes, I’m starting to notice that this show is actually pretty good with continuity. Much better than I’d expect from a show like this. All this could support the theory in that Huggy is perhaps not a name he’s ever gone by, but instead was a sidekick name that came up years later and was thought up by a grade school girl (which also makes a lot more sense for the name’s origins, what kind of name is “Huggyface”???). This would explain why there’s a lack of consistency with the spelling of the name. 

Secondly, I’m currently working on an analysis of how Huggy/Bob reacts to their secret identities being revealed or almost being revealed because I’ve noticed his reaction is often more extreme than Becky/Wordgirl’s. I won’t go too much into it here because, again, I’m writing a post about it, but one thing I couldn’t figure out was why he gets more worked up about this topic. With this theory in mind, I think a possible explanation is that he doesn’t want to get caught. Perhaps he wants only him and her to know who they are so that if someone were to come looking for him and start accusing him of kidnapping a child, they’d be able to hide better. Or maybe something else I’m not thinking of. Or maybe there’s an in-show explanation I haven’t caught. Regardless, whenever I end up posting that, I’ll @ you or something. I think you’ll enjoy it, either way, you seem to have an analytical brain like me ;p

@carmelblood and @drboxleitner

I’ve noticed that both of you have a headcanon/theory/idea that Huggy kidnapped Becky from Lexicon and I was wondering if either or both of you had any more thoughts on this you’d like to share because I find the concept very intriguing!

It’s not something I’ve ever considered, but it’s certainly a possibility. And suddenly unexplained things are starting to add up in my mind because I’ve taken this idea into consideration.

So yeah I was just wondering if you guys had more details to bring to the table. 🙏😊

I’m gonna cry I tomorrow was gonna post one of those Wordgirl episode reactions things that I got a request for. I’ve had this saved in drafts for like a day and I went to schedule it to post tomorrow and tumblr instead decided to delete all the content!!!!! The title and tags are still there, but every image and all my comments were erased.

I’ve spent days working on putting that damn going together and tumblr just fucking ate it!!!!

And now I have to do it aaaaaaalllllllllll over again

You know, I’ve often thought about Becky’s biological family being worried about their daughter’s disappearance, but I’ve never really thought about Huggy’s family’s reaction? I mean that must have been devastating to hear “okay so your brother was flying through space, but now we can’t contact him and we don’t know where he is”

I would just like to announce that autocorrect changed “Krusty Crab” to “Krusty Krab.” I’ve never typed this, so it’s not like it learned from me typing, it just knows that Krusty Krab is spelled with a k.